2d20 Magical Powers

Need a power or weird ability? Oh boy have I got the chart for you. Give these to your players as rewards when they do favors for mystical monks or bog witches. Bog witches also all know the change humans into toads power from this list. Every single one.

Some cardinal rules:

They take an action to use, unless they’re passive.

Any ability score can be a power’s ability score. The DM will decide which one to use. If it’s a Avatar style bending power, I would choose Dexterity. If it’s a psychic power, choose Intelligence. So on and so forth.

“One instance” should refer to the most logical size for the thing in question, as determined my the DM. One person. One weather pattern. A boulder is one stone, but a castle is not.

You should be able to make checks to “stretch” your power. DC 25 to make a castle count as one stone, that kind of thing.

Creatures get saves if these abilities target them or things they’re holding. A successful save grants immunity for a day.

As much as I love total randomness, often the best way to use this is to choose off of one table and roll on the other. If you’re blessed by a god of fire, give them a random fire power, for example. Or just choose “Touching Horses Turns You Into a Ghost for One Minute”. It’s really the best option on here, I’ve checked.

  1. Intagible to … You and this thing do not interact. You fall clean through each other.
  2. … is Invisble to You. You cannot see this thing. You see through to the other side of it like clear air.
  3. Vulnerable to … You take 1 damage whenever you touch this thing, maximum once per round. Any weapon made of this deals critical hits to you whenever it hits.
  4. … Changes you into … Roll twice on the second table. Touching the first substance with your skin turns you into an instance of the second substance for one minute. If you’re no longer human, you can still locomote like a human, but badly.
  5. … is Immune to You. You cannot harm this thing. You could not snap an iron filing or breach the surface of a lake (for metal and water, respectively)
  6. You Can Eat … You can get sustenance from any part of this thing. You crave it and it tastes delicious. You get a 1d6 bite attack that can only target this.
  7. Speak to … You can communicate with this thing. It likely has a simple mind, concerned only with what directly affects it.
  8. Shrink … You can halve the size of an instance of this thing for one minute. You can only have one target at a time.
  9. Grow … You can double the size of an instance of this thing for one minute. You can only have one target at a time.
  10. Blast with … You can make ranged attacks with this thing, summoning a small instance of this thing that shoots forth at a target. 1d8 damage, 30 foot range.
  11. Create Illusions of … You can create an illusion of an instance of this thing for one hour. They can be detected with a successful intelligence check. You can only have one illusion at a time.
  12. Seek … If you concentrate for one minute, you know the location of all instances of this thing within a mile
  13. Restore … Once per day, you can restore an instance of this thing to the state it was in a minute ago.
  14. Polymorph … You can change this into another thing of the same category for one minute. You can only target one thing at a time. (Turn a human’s body into another human’s body. Or turn a rock into a statue)
  15. Change … into … Roll twice on the second table. You can turn one instance of the first thing into a similarly sized instance of the second thing for one minute. You can only target one thing at a time.
  16. Ward against … You can touch a line drawn in salt or chalk to make it an impenetrable barrier to this thing.
  17. Control … You can telepathically control this thing. You can only control one instance at a time. You deal 1d6 damage with it if you use this to attack. If you attack one creature with another creature, they both take the damage.
  18. Create … You can create this thing from thin air. You DM decides how long it will take. For example a baseball sized stone would be a bonus/free action, but a fully sentient mind might take a week of labor.
  19. Destroy … Once per day you can destroy an instance of this thing.
  20. Immune to … This thing cannot affect you in any way you do not want directly. For example, if you are immune to water you cannot be drowned or pushed by waves, but you can still drink. It can harm you indirectly, a log floating downstream could still bludgeon you, for example.

  1. Cloth: Can’t deal damage. If it would deal damage, the target becomes restrained instead
  2. Dirt: No special abilities, but it does make people dirty.
  3. A Specific Animal: DMs choice or roll on your favorite table of animals. Defaults to horses if you can’t think of something.
  4. Wind: Can’t deal damage. If it would deal damage, it knocks the target 5 feet in a direction of your choice for each point of damage prevented.
  5. Water: If you critically hit (or roll max damage in a system without critical hits) the target is thrown 5 ft for each damage dealt. If they impact a wall, they take an additional 1 damage for each 5 feet they still had to move.
  6. Fire: Ignites flammable objects. Deals +2 damage on any attack.
  7. Stone: If it deals damage, knock the target prone
  8. Metal: If you critically hit (or roll max damage in a system without critical hits), roll an additional damage die.
  9. Ice: If you critically hit (or roll max damage in a system without critical hits) the target is paralyzed for one round.
  10. Lightning: If you critically hit (or roll max damage in a system without critical hits), the target drops everything in their hands and falls prone.
  11. Light: Can’t deal damage. If it would deal damage, it blinds for that many rounds instead.
  12. Plants: If you critically hit (or roll max damage in a system without critical hits), the target is restrained.
  13. Yourself: If you deal damage through blasting or throwing yourself at others, you also take the damage.
  14. All Animals: You choose an animal each time you use the power.
  15. Humanoid Bodies: You can make an int check to mimic a specific person when you create a body with this power. The bodies are alive but vegetative unless they already had a mind in them.
  16. Sentient Minds: Minds without bodies will inhabit the nearest or most suitable vessel that does not currently have a mind.
  17. Oil/Spirits: If ignited, does +2 damage to anything it coats.
  18. Spirits (the spooky kind): A spirit doesn’t deal damage. If it would deal damage, it inflicts fear instead.
  19. Acid: Does +2 damage on any attack, and corrodes objects
  20. Weather: An instance of weather is very large, comparatively. Small instances are usually miniature tornadoes.

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